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Keeping you up to date with news, latest projects and interesting articles.


The Spine in Liverpool, the location of one of our recent projects for the Royal College of Physicians has won a BCO Regional Innovation Award.

Designed to exceed WELL Platinum Standard, it will be one of the healthiest workspaces for mental health and wellbeing in the UK, as well as BREEAM Excellent (shell and core) and BREEAM Outstanding (RCP fit-out). The judging panel noted that The Spine is an outstanding and innovative example of using workplace design to support cultural change, whilst providing a highly sustainable built environment and protecting the wellbeing of those that interact with it.


Our brand new GreenBox Ecogate System has arrived for our dust extraction! This means we’re now estimated to SAVE 2,750 Run hours; 49,654 kWh; £6951.56 per annum. 

Stronger suction = Less dust!

Have an overall 20% reduction in volume, including complete switch off during production lulls. Therefore reducing our power by 49%!

The Ecogate auto-dampers and central controllers work by ensuring that our LEV system is running as efficiently as can be. 

This is done by 12 x Ecogate auto dampeners that will only operate during actual production periods (and not just when the powers switched on). Therefore, machines that are running will receive full power to extract dust, gaining better suction than when the power was distributed evenly… saving energy along the way too!


BA Joinery have been shortlisted for the Constructing Excellence North East Awards 2022. 

We’re excited to attend our very first CENE Awards ceremony this summer after being recognised for our efforts towards the Health, Safety & Wellbeing of our team.


We made it to the finals of the British Woodworking Federation Health & Safety Awards! 

The BA Joinery team continually strive to create a great health & safety culture within our workforce. To be acknowledged at the awards is testament to the team’s great, ongoing efforts to promote a safe working environment for all. 


We’re hiring!

Interested in joining the team? Get in touch…